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Pigeon Lake


Oznamujeme vsetkym clenom Slovakie a priaznivcom dobrej nalady ze v dnoch 18-20 jula 2014 sa opat uskutocni Pigeon Lake piknik.

Tohtorocne stretnutie sa bude konat v prostredi “Mulhurst Lutheran Camp“.


Ubytovanie: $10.00 na dospelú osobu na noc. Počas soboty sa bude podávať guláš.

V chatkách sa vyspí 6-8 ľudí. Madrace sú potiahnuté gumou, podlaha je čistá, ale z betonu (takže chladnejšia), v chatkách je sprcha, umývadlo a záchod. Je dobré si teda na noc priniesť spacák a nejaké to mydlo + uterák. Rezort má aj veľmi dobrú saunu, teda plavky sa hodia.

V hlavnej chate je kompletne vybavená kuchyňa (závodná kuchyňa, ako sa zvyklo vravievať), teda aj s riadom, pohármi, príbormi, chladničkou, mikrovlnkou. Kávu, čaj, mlieko a iné nápoje si treba priniesť so sebou… to isté platí aj o strave.

Bližšie info o chatkách nájdete tu:

Budú k dispozícii kanojky a kajaky. Vonku sa bude hrať badminton a na pieskovom ihrisku volejbal.



MDD – Opekacka – BBQ

Prvo-junova opekacka (BBQ) sa bude konat vo Whitemud park tuto nedelu, teda 1. juna, 2014. Zaciatok je o 15:00 (3PM). Budu sa podavat cerstve hamburgery ;-), k nim syr a zelenina.

V parku, na luke, je dost priestranstva na loptove hry, badminton, atd.

Tesime sa na hojnu ucast!

Poznamka: v pripade zleho pocasia sa akcia odklada na neurcito. Zatial predpoved na buduci tyzden vyzera slubne, snad sa to nezmeni.

Kedy: 1. juna, 2014 o 15:00

Kde: Whitemud park

Ako sa tam dostat:
z Fox Dr. treba odbocit na Keillor Rd. (na sever) a potom ist dalej asi 100m na prve parkovisko.


Tak ako dva roky dozadu, aj teraz robi Slovakia Casino event v Yellowhead Casino v dnoch 5. a 6. maja 2014. Chcel by som Vas vsetkych v mene Slovakie poprosit, ak mate moznost, prist pomoct, velmi nam pomozete. Casovy rozvrch je rovnaky pocas obidvoch dni a to: rano od 10:30 am do 7:00 pm, vecer je moznost od 6:30 pm do 2:30 am alebo 9:45 pm do 2:30 am. Potrebujeme asi 30 dobrovolnikov.

Ak mate problem sa dopravit , bude preplateny taxi, samozrejme jedlo a pitie ( iba nealko) je v neobmedzenom mnozstve, ci uz priamo v restauracii v Casine alebo na objednavku.

Zaujemcovia prosim ozvite sa na cisle 780.966.0856 alebo na email adrese : alebo kludne iba poslite spravu cez FB. Este raz velmi pekne dakujem, a verim ze sa nam podari najst 30 dobrovolnikov.

s pozdravom,
Peter Lilko

Iveta Radičová, PhD.: “The Common House of Europe: Integration of Diversity”

Dna 7. maja 2014 o 17:00 v Lecture Theatre 1, Humanities Centre, University of Alberta, sa bude konat prednaska s nazvom “The Common House of Europe: Integration of Diversity”. Prednasat bude pani profesorka Iveta Radicova.

Podrobnejsie informacie o prednaske si mozete precitat v nizsie uvedenom texte, resp. kliknutim na externe linky:

Professor Iveta Radičová has devoted most of her professional career to social and family policies. She received her master’s degree in sociology from Comenius University in Bratislava and her PhD from the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where in 1979 – 1989 she coordinated the family policy research team. In 1990 she spent one year as a post-doctoral student at Oxford University. In 1992, she founded the non-profit Social Policy Analysis Centre, which she headed until being appointed Director of the Slovak Academy of Science’s Institute of Sociology in 2005. In the same year she was awarded the title of professor by the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University. She is a member of several renowned international academic societies and associations.

Radičová’s first appearance in politics came shortly after the so called Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, between 1990 and 1992 she was a spokesperson of the post-revolutionary movement, Public Against Violence (VPN). In 2005 she appeared in politics for the second time when she accepted the offer to serve as the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. After the 2006 elections she became a Member of Parliament. In 2009 Radičová ran for President, and ended up second becoming the first woman in Slovakia to ever make it into the second round of a presidential election. After the parliamentary election in 2010, Radičová was installed as Slovakia’s first female Prime Minister. However, in 2012 Radičová’s government had to step down after it lost a vote of confidence in the parliament in a dispute over the eurozone bailout.

Since then she has been teaching at Comenius University and Paneuropean University in Bratislava, and lecturing at other universities all around the world, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden, the UK and the US. Prof. Radičová has published and edited numerous books and studies mapping the transformation of the social-system in Slovakia and other post-socialist countries. As an expert, she has advised various government bodies on social and family policies, participated in the approximation of European legislation in the area of employment and social affairs before Slovakia’s accession to the EU and also carried out studies for the World Bank on poverty. She continues to act as an expert in European projects focusing on the coordination of social security systems and exchanging information about Member State’s social policies (MISSOC, TRESS).

Now, for the first time, she is coming to Canada. The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies at the U of A is proud to host her in Edmonton, Alberta for her lecture The Common House of Europe: Integration of Diversity. We are indeed honoured that Prof. Radičová has accepted our invitation to visit this spring and look forward to introducing her to our audience May 7th, 2014.