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Mikuláš: 21. december 2024 o 16:00 v Newton Community Hall

Svätý Mikuláš sa tentorok oneskoril avšak predsa len zavíta do našej slovenskej komunity dňa 21. decembra 2024 (sobota) o 16:00 v Newton Community Hall (5520 121 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5W 1N9)

Pozývame všetky detičky i dospelých privítať Mikuláša.

Ohláste Vašu účast Petrovi Lilkovi na 780-966-0856 alebo email, aby mohol nahlásiť Mikulášovi potrebný počet darčekov pre deti.

Taktiež by sme radi poprosili naše gazdinky, aby prieniesli nejaké občerstvenie na potluck.

Ďakujeme a tešíme sa na Vašu účasť!

Newton Community League

Casino: Jun 12 – 13, 2023

Dobry den prajem,
chcel by som Vas vsetkych v mene Slovakie poprosit o pomoc pri hladani dobrovolnikov na “Slovakia Casino event”.

Slovakia dostala licenciu na “Casino event” , ktory sa bude konat v dnoch Jun 12 a 13, 2023 v kasine “Grand Villa Casino Edmonton” , Kasino je umiestnene v Rogers Place, 10204 104 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0H6. Hladame dobrovolnikov na rozne pozicie a casy pocas tychto dvoch dni. Presne informacie, pozicie a casy si mozete najst a precitat na prilozenych dokumentoch. Ak potrebujete viacej informacii ohladom tejto akcie, zavolajte na (780) 966-0856 alebo email :

Ak pouzijete vlastne auto , Slovakia Vam preplati parkovne pocas akcie. Obcerstvenie (jedlo a nealko) pocas akcie je tiez platene organizaciou.

Dakujem a verim, ze sa nam podari najst dostatok dobrovolnikov.

Prilozene dokumenty:


Together: Czecho-Slovak Exhibition



12 June – 7 July, 2018

1918 – 100 – 2018 CZECH AND SLOVAK CENTURY

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia (October 28, 1918), the 50th anniversary of the Prague Spring and the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Czech and Slovak Republics.

Independence for Slovaks and Czechs came in the final days of World War I, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart. Although the former Czechoslovakia peacefully split up in 1993 into independent republics, their continued collaboration and friendship is still flourishing to this day. The exhibition, symbolically named “Together,” pays tribute to the important events in the history of both countries. Teachers and artists of both the Academy of Arts, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia and the Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic present their artworks at the FAB Gallery.

The collaboration between the Department of Art & Design and Academy of Arts of Slovakia started in 2013 with reciprocal exhibitions in Slovakia and FAB Gallery. “Together” represents another important milestone in these international art exchanges. The exhibition is generously supported by the Wirth institute, the Czechoslovak Society of Art and Sciences of Alberta (SVU) and the Slovakia – Slovak National Association of Canada.

Exhibition Curator

Juraj Sapara, Associate Professor
Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts
Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Exhibition Facilitator

Peter Ondrus, MD PhD
Associate Clinical Professor
Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute


FAB Gallery
1-1 Fine Arts Building
89 Avenue & 112 Street
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9
Telephone 780 492 2081

FAB Gallery hours
Tuesday to Friday 10 am – 5 pm
open Saturday 2 – 5 pm
closed Sunday, Monday and
statutory holidays

Opening reception
Thursday, 14 June 2018 from 7.00 to 10.00 pm

The exhibition is generously supported by the Wirth Institute, the Czechoslovak Society of Art and Sciences of Alberta and the Slovakia–Slovak National Association of Canada.

Vyjazdove konzularne dni v Edmontone

22. maja, 2018 od 10:00 do 18:00

McKernan Community Hall, 11341 78 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta

Konzularne ukony:

  • podanie ziadosti o cestovny pas
  • osvedcenie o statnom obcianstve
  • vypis z registra trestov
  • zapis narodenia dietata, sobasu alebo umrtia
  • osvedcenie podpisu, kopie, prekladu

Dojednanie terminu: V snahe minimalizovat cakacie lehoty si prosim dohodnite presny termin vopred – kontaktujte nas vylucne telefonicky na cisle: ++1 (613) 749-4442 (ext. 101)


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